Friday, September 15, 2006

TaiChi and You...Looking at: Change


Nothing is fixed in tai chi ; your practice and approach should be constantly under revision and reconsideration. If you feel to have 'got it', think again.

There are no plateaus or stopping points - there is always a deeper layer of subtlety to uncover and comprehend.

TaiChi and You: Priorities


We make choices relative to our values.

Every apparent obstacle represents a moment of conflict and hesitation. Choiceless awareness is the ideal. Choosing without choosing. Moving seamlessly through every situation without any apparent sense of doubt.

Which is more important to you: eating a brownie or losing weight? If you consider losing weight to be your priority you will not want to eat the brownie. No effort is required. There is no conflict.

We make choices relative to our values.

Every apparent obstacle represents a moment of conflict and hesitation. Choiceless awareness is the ideal. Choosing without choosing. Moving seamlessly through every situation without any apparent sense of doubt.

Which is more important to you: eating a brownie or losing weight? If you consider losing weight to be your priority you will not want to eat the brownie. No effort is required. There is no conflict.